

Peymayeshgaran Co. Geomatics Engineering Services

Technical Services

Technical services and support of engineering companies are one of the most important activities during the formation and life of a project and, if presented correctly and appropriately, will have a significant impact on the three factors of time, cost and quality of the project. We are ready to provide the services with the help of competent experts in theoretical and practical fields, as well as using the latest devices of the day and with the appropriate fees. Also, Our services include the fields of geomatic engineering, urban planning, civil engineering and 3D modeling in diverse and extensive dimensions.

Research Services

To carry out our research and scientific projects, we are working with a team of researchers, university professors and distinguished students to help the scientific and industrial community. Hence our scope of research in geomatics is very wide. However, we are eager to have a consult to solve problems and to achieve accurate output.

Please contact for your projects and research.